Archetypes: Meet the four super-heroines of your cycle
Image: Jennifer Marquez via Unsplash
The greatest sets of characters come in fours: Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte from Sex And The City…Nancy, Bonnie, Sarah and Rochelle from The Craft (one of the best films ever made - the original, obviously!)…and, your menstrual cycle archetypes!
What are archetypes?
Archetypes represent aspects of the human psyche that have been embedded in our consciousness over generations and they’re an amazing way to connect to your cycle. Unlike the inner seasons framework (which is great), archetypes allow you go deep into your lived cyclical experience. Maybe you feel like the Wicked Witch of the West in your premenstrual phase, or Beyonce when you’re ovulating. You might feel like a much younger version of yourself in the days after your period, or an older version while you bleed. That’s you experiencing your archetypes and when you start to get to know them, your cycle can become a rich, creative and playful place to be.
There are actually way more than the ones we use for the cycle. Three common archetypes are the hero, the victim and the healer. Most of us have an image in our heads when we think of them because we’ve been fed images of them in stories, TV and films. We’ve experienced some in ourselves or the people around us. This is why connecting to archetypes work - they’re part of the human experience.
Think of archetypes as different characters in the play that is your menstrual cycle, with different personalities, flavours and energy.
How can they help your cycle?
Because archetypes are about personality, attitude and outlook, getting into the ‘character’ of them can help you embody the attributes you need to find balance. They each have a special energy or superpower you can make use of, depending on what you need. Connecting to The Keeper (aka The Wild Woman) might be useful to you if you’re struggling to tap into your creativity or need better boundaries. The Queen (aka The Mother) would be great for you if you’re struggling with your libido and want to increase capacity for pleasure. Think of it like trying on a different outfit or version of yourself so you get into it step by step rather than forcing yourself to jump right in.
Who are the four cycle archetypes?
Before I get into this, I’m going to say that as well as the regular names you’ll come across when looking into archetypes, I’ve made up my own. Why? Because those original four names don’t always resonate with me. Remember, we rarely ever stay the same, and our energy, focus and outlook changes as we experience life. If these names don’t resonate with you, don’t worry! You can always make up your own. Simply pay attention to how you tend to feel in each phase and over time, christen the archetypes with a name that suits.
Here’s a brief overview:
The Dreamer aka The Crone - Menstruation: The Dreamer is all about inner wisdom and clarity. She’s usually represented as an older woman, perhaps the wise grandma, oracle or tribal elder. She has the answers to your questions because she’s lived a full life, has experienced all there is to, and knows the outcome.
The Rebel aka The Maiden - Pre-ovulation: The Rebel is about freshness, experimentation and dynamism. She can represent your teenage and/or early 20’s - the years of exploration and finding your place in the world. She’s able to bring a fresh perspective and energy to your life and cycle, because she’s a virgin (i.e. hasn’t been jaded by the world yet). For her, everything is possible.
The Queen aka The Mother - Ovulation: The Queen energy is all about nurture, whether that’s your Self, family, friends, career or the world at large. She holds tolerance, empathy, stamina and compassion - all things that are needed to take care of the things and people we love.
The Keeper akaThe Wild Woman - Pre-menstruation: The Keeper’s energy is about creativity, self-protection and truth. This energy asks you to be your most authentic, wild, primal and true self, with the focus on what you want to feel, experience and achieve. It can be a tricky energy to navigate, with a loud critical voice, but like most wild things, it can also be tamed.
Over the next four weeks, I’ll be sharing information on each, along with ways to connect to them but for now, take the quiz below to see which energy you lead with. Remember that your cycle is your personal experience, so take what resonates and leave the rest.
If you’re struggling with your cycle and would like to see how using archetypes and coaching can help, schedule your free 30min call with me or check out my menstrual cycle coaching space.