9 Ways to rest during the holidays (and beyond)
It’s a different kind of holiday season for many of us this year but, even with lockdown restrictions and social distancing, time out for self-care and rest is essential. The Zoom-Fatigue of calling family and friends is real, as is the mounting pressure heaped upon us to already start thinking about losing weight for next (and hopefully travel-possible) summer, as well as goals and intentions for the year ahead.
There has never been a more essential time to actively incorporate rest into your routine than right now
I was inspired by a lovely Instagram friend, Olivia Mendoza, to share 9 different ways of resting over holidays (and every day after that!):
Be ‘unhelpful’
Why say yes to the things you really want to say no to? When someone asks for help, we are not obliged to say yes! It’s a request, not a demand (unless it really is a demand, in which case, an even firmer no might be in order!). If your first reaction to a request is hell no, then honour that. It’s far more exhausting to say yes and drag yourself through something you’d rather not.
Bask in being ‘unproductive’
So many of us look forward to time off at Christmas and NewYear, only for that time to be quickly filled by something else. We’re encouraged to clear out the cupboards, sort through filing and get back to work with an empty inbox to start the New Year fresh. But here’s an idea: do nothing instead. Leave your emails alone, and read a book. Or better yet, do absolutely nothing at all but stare out of the window and watch the world go by.
Connect to your pleasures
Listen to music, draw, play with your cat, play with yourself - whatever makes you feel good, do it! The sense of restoration we get after pleasurable experiences can be satisfying on so many levels. It’s called R & R for a reason!
Alone Time
Being in your own space, especially if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, can’t be understated. We are constantly influenced by other people. We’re in conversation, interpreting body language, making compromises and generally in company. Having time to be alone, to decompress and shake off any energy that doesn’t belong to you is an immensley powerful way to rest.
Break from responsibility
So often, we as women take on the Herculean task of trying to be everything for everyone. We are daughters, sisters, mothers, girlfriends, wives, counsellor, accountant, therapist and beyond, and we usually do this automatically, on impulse Taking a break from responsibilities can be like removing a weight from your shoulders that you might not have even realised was there. Leave the cleaning alone for the day, ask your partner to cook, a friend or family member to walk the dog, ask the kids to do some chores. And give yourself a break!
Take a digital detox
Social media can be a beautiful thing and, let’s be honest, it’s been a lifesaver for whole heaps of people this year. However, it can also lead to feelings of comparison, not-enoughness and if you’re using it as a business, it can get tiring. Ditch the phone and go off-comms. Take a read of my Digital Detox post for inspiration.
Stillness to decompress
Meditation is one of my favourite ways to decompress. For most of us, being mindful enough to take a true, mental rest is a big challenge, so mindfulness meditations designed to give you stillnes of mind can be incredibly cathartic. It doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult - in fact, I’ve got one here for you to enjoy right now.
Create safe space
Being in a place where you feel completely held and safe is an essential part of being able to rest on a deep level. When there’s no threat for the body to register, the parasympathetic nervous system can take over (that’s the opposite of the one that puts us into fight, flight or freeze mode). It might be as simple as closing the curtains at night, creating a cosy environment for your bubble bath or even taking over a whole room in your house where you can retreat to when needed.
Prioritise sleep!
Our body clock is one of the most powerful things we have. We can do for weeks without food but even after just one night of little or no sleep at all can feel like torture. Sleep allows the mind to rest and compute all the things we’ve seen, the conversations we’ve had, and allows the body to regenerate after whatever we’ve put it through that day. Start to monitor your sleep to know how much you need, as well as your optimal wake/sleep times.
How many of these nine types of rest are you already doing, and how can you incorporate more into your life? Rest and pleasure are an integral part of life, and especially important when it comes to nourishing a healthy menstrual cycle.
If you’re curious about how coaching can help, you can schedule a free 30min call with me or check out my coaching space.