For the woman who’ve played it small…
Image: Caique Silva via Unsplash
If you’ve ever held your rage inside, ever screamed silently, dug your nails into your own skin, allowed someone to step over you, felt put down or taken yourself out of the running for the things you want:
I am capable.
I am worthy.
I am enough.
I am so much more than what other people see.
Why? Because it’s true.
Because you are capable. And worthy. And enough. And so much more than others see.
The world has tried to tell you otherwise. To be the good little girl, smile and put up with, accept what’s been given, don’t overreach or be too ambitious. But you are here, on this earth. There’s a space on the ground, a pile of earth just waiting for you to drive your stake into it.
You are allowed to be more. To feel your anger. Your passion. To use your voice. To embody both sides of what it means to be a woman: soft, and strong. Flexible and resilient. Active and passive. Sensitive and hard. Giving and selfish.
If others don’t get you, let them go. If they don’t appreciate you, let them go. If you have to convince them, let them go. If they make you feel small, let them go.
You. Deserve. Better.