How rituals can help you to have a better period
Image: Phrophsee Journals via Unsplash
The arrival of your period might not feel like much to celebrate when it causes you pain and discomfort. It can feel like the best thing to do is ignore it and pretend it isn’t there at all, but if you’re wanting to experience more ease, pleasure and flow (no pun intended!) on your period, then doing the opposite holds some serious magic and healing potential.
What is a ritual?
It might conjure up images of candles and sage smudge sticks, but while that might be the case for some, ritual in its simplest form is the act of doing something with intent, usually in order or with a certain repetition. If thinking of it as a habit lands better with you, then think of it that way. The very act of menstrual cycle awareness is a ritual in and of itself - checking in with yourself with intention, being aware of your cycle phase and taking the time to note it down - this can be looked at as a daily ritual.
Bringing a ritual to something means coming to it with a different kind of energy. It places importance on it. And when you consider that for so many of us, periods have been ignored, shamed and/or suppressed, this can already be a big step towards healing your relationship to your bleed.
Never underestimate the transformation that can happen from the simple act of awareness and attention.
Here are some ideas for rituals to incorporate on your bleed:
Plotting the next one in your diary
The first step to creating rituals for your period, is to create time for it. Trying to wedge 10 minutes into a packed schedule at the very last minute is unlikely to actually bring any results, but when you’ve already created space, it’s a whole different ball game. If your cycle is fairly regular, as soon as you get your period, mark the dates of your next period due dates in your diary. If possible, block some time out while you’re at it. It’s like saving money. You won’t miss the 50€ if they’re taken from your account before you get the chance to spend it and the same is true here. Understand that your time is precious, especially around your bleed. An hour here can give you that back in multiples later int he cycle.
Restorative Yoga
I talk about this often but I really can’t overstate how good restorative yoga is for your body (and mind) while having your period. From the outside it looks like there’s not much going on but because of the use of props, your body is able to completely give itself up in an act of surrender. It soothes your nervous system, can reduce headaches, cramps and bloating and, most importantly, gives you time for yourself. Restorative yoga is something I do every single cycle (hence, a ritual) and can help you to come to your period with a sense of reverence.
Cycle Reviewing
Because your period is both the beginning and the end your cycle, it can hold a lot of potential as a place for increased self-awareness and healing. Taking a moment to look at what took place and what you’ve got coming up, means you can bring more intention to not just your bleed, but the cycle as a whole. Here are some prompt ideas:
What happened in your last cycle?
What didn’t go as planned?
What have you learned about yourself and others in the last cycle?
How do you want to feel on your next cycle?
What notable plans/projects/appointments do you have coming up and how can you best support yourself for them?
Creating rituals for your period doesn’t have to be complicated, woo-woo or elaborate. These are just three of a whole array of ideas that can help you to feel more connected to your bleed, and cycle.
If you’re struggling with your period, schedule your free 30min call with me to see how menstrual cycle coaching can help.