How money stress can mess up your period
Image: Katie Harp via Unsplash
This week, I had a chat with someone who's period was/is late. She was on cycle day 55 and when I asked what kind of stress she had, she said nothing major, just the usual financial stuff. I can't work right now because I have a small child and am worrying about how to do the food shop.
My response? That is something major. That’s stress (in fact it's 3 stress factors - money worries, unemployment and being a parent).
Whether we like it or not, we live in a world where we need money. If you have issues with money, you can be certain it's affecting multiple facets of your life.
Not being able to pay your rent is just as much of a worry as trying to find a way to invest the thousands you have in your account. It isn't about having or not having, too much or too little. Money is more than just cash, it's a relationship. And worrying about it means stress.
And, when it comes to stress, we’ve become so accustomed to it as a society that we barely even recognise it anymore.
Stress is kryptonite for your cycle!
Stress can delay your ovulation, because your body will decide it’s not a safe enough environment for potential pregnancy. And when your ovulation is delayed, so it your period. Studies have linked high levels of stress with dysmennorhea (period pain) and if you have a history of both dysmennorhea and stress, you're TWICE as likely to experience even more pain (otherwise known as an endless circle!)
The good news is, you can help yourself a lot when it comes to stress regulation with simple things like:
Going to bed and waking up at the same times to steady your circadian rhythm
Eating regularly
Spending 5 minutes in quiet daily (if you're a caregiver it might mean mindful poos - better than nothing!)
Restorative yoga, swimming, reading - whatever brings you to a feeling of peace, do it!
Use the do-not-disturb function of your phone in the evenings and switch off unnecessary notifications
And if you know you're currently in, or heading towards, a stressful situation, give yourself grace. You're only human, and you're doing the best you can with what you have.
If you’d like to talk to me about how coaching can help, book a free call with me or find out more about my coaching space.