Meet your cycle archetypes: The Dreamer/The Wise Woman
Image: Danie Franco via Unsplash
Welcome to the last week of the Archetype series!
Archetypes represent aspects of the human psyche that have been embedded in our consciousness over generations and they’re an amazing way to connect to your cycle. Because archetypes are about personality, attitude and outlook, getting into the ‘character’ of them can help you embody the attributes you need to find balance. They each have a special energy or superpower you can make use of, depending on what you need.
The Dreamer a.k.a The Wise Woman
The Wise Woman is often also called The Wise Woman, and represents the Inner Winter or menstrual stage of the cycle. In terms of life stage, she aligns with our post menopause years and is represented by Hecate Greek Mythology.
Who is she?
The Wise Woman is the holder of our inner wisdom. In a real life setting, she would have been a village/tribal elder and someone people went to for advice. She’s representative of the later stage and death of both the cycle and our lives, and has lived a long life. She’s loved, lost, worked, perhaps raised children and maybe travelled. She’s the cumulation of experience on top of experience. The Wise Woman is the part of us that just knows the answers to our problems. She’s unruffled by life, having seen and done it all, and isn’t interested in people pleasing. Where The Keeper/Wild Woman was about authenticity with a little bite, The Wise Woman has mellowed that sharpness over time.
Because she’s representative of so much intuition and wisdom, the quiet, introspective time of menstruation and the eternal sleep of death, I’ve also named this archetype, The Dreamer. When we’re quiet, we can find the answers and intuition we’re really looking for in the same way that sleeping can provide us with solutions in dreams. She’s the energy we can tap into to vision our future hopes and dreams.
In both cases, The Wise Woman and The Dreamer are about clarity, self-trust and intuition.
The Dreamer/Wise Woman Superpowers
The Dreamer and Wise Woman are the wisdom-holders of the cycle and can be magical to connect with. Some of her superpowers include:
Deep, know-it-in-your-bones certainty
Insight and downloads
An acceptance of what is
Spiritual insights
The Dreamer/Wise Woman Vulnerabilities
Dreaming can be a beautifully inspiring thing to do, but it’s important to keep our feet on the ground too. Some vulnerabilities include:
Inertia/lack of motivation for action
Know-it-all attitude
Incapacity for pleasure
Having a head in the clouds
Feelings of being unseen
How to connect to your inner Wise Woman/Dreamer
The great thing about archetypes, is you can try them on at any time of your cycle. I like to think of them as sisters who can step in to help, wherever you are. As always, there’s no need to wait until you’re in the correlating phase but her energy will likely feel easier to connect to or more apparent, on your period/inner winter. Have a play around and see!
Here are some of my favourite ways to tap into The Dreamer/Wise Woman:
Journalling/free writing: We have a lot of wisdom and insights that can come through to us when we get ourselves out of the way. Journalling or morning pages is a great way to quiet down the noise to hear what needs to be heard
Tarot/oracle cards: If you’re into divination, then pulling cards and using your own instincts to decipher the meaning can help connect you to this archetype
Manifesting/Visualisation: Creating a mood board or Pinterest board can be a nice way to visualise the things you’re calling in to your life
Develop your intuition muscle: Like all things, intuition can be strengthened with practice. If you feel very disconnected from it, start with small things like asking yourself what you feel like eating for your next meal and pausing for an answer. Over time you’ll get more confident and hear your inner wisdom coming through
Meditation: Connecting to source/spirit/god/your higher self is connecting to the wisdom we all come here with. You might find this easier to do on your period.
My personal favourite ways to connect to The Dreamer/Wise Woman
Pulling oracle cards
Forest walks
Long baths with meditative music
Yoga nidra
How do you connect to your inner Dreamer/Wise Woman? Is she someone you know well, or do you need to place a little more focus on her to incorporate her energy into your cycle?
If you’re struggling with your cycle and would like to see how using archetypes and coaching can help, schedule your free 30min call with me or check out my menstrual cycle coaching space.