The Big Bleed - how it can help your period and PMS
Image: Anita Austvika via Unsplash
When I ask people what their ultimate period experience would be, they generally tend to say the same things: lots of rest, minimal socialising and heaps of quiet time. Bleeding is a process that takes place on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level and most of the time, we don’t get to have much say around how we live while it’s happening. We still have to work, care for family and care for ourselves. Even if we do get a little of what we need, it isn’t as much as we’d like. This is where the Big Bleed comes in.
A Big Bleed is your very own period retreat, tailored exactly to your every need and desire.
Think of everything you’d want around you when you bleed, the food you’d like to eat, the films you’d like to watch, the activities you’d like to do, where you’d want to be and who you’d want to be with…and now imagine being able to gift yourself that. Sounds good, right? It’s important to have in mind as you read this, that we’re talking about your ultimate experience. This might be something you’re only able to do once in your lifetime (I’ll share tips soon on how to make it more of an every-cycle experience).
What are the benefits of a Big Bleed?
Soothing menstrual issues
So many menstrual issues stem from, or are seriously exacerbated by, overloaded immune and nervous systems, lack of true rest and emotional blockages. PCOS, endometriosis, infertility….these (and a lot more) issues that so many people face can be lessened/improved by lifestyle change. And something we all need more of (and your doctor will likely say), is rest. Much like going to a wellness retreat can help you reset and start living in a way that supports your body, mind and soul, Big Bleeds can help you reset your menstrual cycle.Dedicated alone time
A Big Bleed is dedicated time for you and your period. If you’ve ever thought to yourself ‘well as at least when I have my period I have an excuse not to do xyz’, its like that - magnified. How alone you are will depend on what your Big Bleed wish-list is.The ultimate in self-care
Taking intentional time out for your period is an act of self-care in and of itself, but Big Bleeds are also a great way to do the self-care rituals you love and/or have been wanting to try. Think of it as spa time. Our bodies go through a lot day to day, and intentional self-care while you bleed can help soothe your system as well as release the things you no longer need to keep.Receiving, processing and healing in your own private space
A lot of women find themselves feeling extremely tender and vulnerable with their bleed. There can be feelings that are bubbling under the surface, but as there’s no time to delve into them, they’re never released. A Big Bleed can be a time to do this. If you’ve just come through a tough time in your life, simply allowing yourself the space to cry can be a release in and of itself (and we all know how good it feels after a big cry!). If this is you, you might invite a partner, friend or other trusted person to hold space for you while you bleed and process your emotions.Exploring your creativity and insights
Because you’re in quiet and intentional space, you might find yourself with the urge to create art, to sing, dance or get an idea for a book. You might also find that you receive the answer to something that’s been on your mind. Being removed from the mundane of your everyday life can mean being able to access nuggets of gold that have been hidden under debris.Reducing PMS
In an ideal world, the frustrations, anger, criticisms etc that come up in the premenstrual phase would be released as you bleed. Instead, what happens is we tend to carry them with us through to the next cycle because we don’t have the time/space etc to do so. We all know what happens when we carry tension around with us for too long. We get burdened, we become less embodied and we get further and further away from our true selves. A Big Bleed can provide the space to truly let got, so you can start your new cycle with as much of a clear slate as possible.
So how do you have a Big Bleed?
Like everything worth doing, Big Bleeds will take a bit of planning. How much will depend on what your dream scenario looks like. If you want to fly halfway around the world, it will take more than if you plan to stay at home. Again, this is your ultimate experience, so don’t let your logical mind take over. Unless money and time isn’t an issue, you might find you have to compromise certain things, so starting big and drilling down is much better than starting small and ending up giving up. Here are some things to consider:
Physical location - at home, by a beach, in a woodland cabin or five star hotel? When you close your eyes and imagine your Big Bleed, where are you?
Time of year/season/climate - do you vision yourself sunbathing naked on a private beach, or do you see yourself wrapped up in blankets with a hot chocolate and snow falling outside?
Duration - are you thinking of a weekend or a week?
Who are you with, if anyone?
What food would you want to have?
What activities would you like to do (remember this isn’t about filling time - rather it’s about giving your body, mind and heart outlets if you feel the need)
Once you’ve started building your vision, you need to block that time in your diary. Because it absolutely will not happen, if you don’t. Think about what you need to arrange in your life to make it happen - childcare, booking leave from work etc. And it goes without saying….
Be flexible.
We’ve all had a period that came early, or late. If could well be that your period comes halfway through your planned time, or a whole week before. Part of cyclical life is being able to adapt to where you’re at, so if this happens, enjoy the time anyway.
Big Bleed planning is something I do with my clients, because I honestly believe that everyone deserves to experience a period that is in service to them at least once in life. And not one of them has said it was a waste of time.
If you’re struggling with your cycle and would like to see how Big Bleeds and coaching can help, schedule your free 30min call with me or check out my menstrual cycle coaching space.